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Minggu, 12 Agustus 2018

[REVIEW] Some By Mi AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner

Hai guys aku kembali lagi dengan ulasan baru. Sejujurnya aku sudah menggunakan toner ini sekitar 4 bulan lebih, kalau aku tidak salah ingat. Awalnya aku tidak merasakan adanya perubahan setelah pemakaian toner ini tapi ternyata efeknya tidak di dapatkan hanya satu atau dua hari pemakaian saja. Apalagi toner ini aku pakai hanya di malam hari, karena mengandung bahan eksfoliasi. Mari kita mulai ulasannya!

Hi guys, I'm come back again with a new review. Honestly I've already using this toner for almost 4 months if I'm not wrong. First time, I don't feel any changed after I'm using this toner but it turns out the effect can't appear just only 1 or 2 days of using. Moreover I just using this toner in the night, because containing exfoliator material. Let's get started the review!

They Claims :
Works as effective exfoliator to leave skin cleaner and more radiant than before! Get baby soft skin in just 30 days. The best miracle toner you must try in life! The relief of your skin. Perfect exfoliator toner to use everyday! Low Ph Toner - Suitable for sensitive skin, dry skin and oily skin. 
Suggested Use :
After cleansing in the morning and evening, take an appropriate amount on a cotton swab, wipe it off along with the texture of the skin, and let it absorb lightly.  
Ingredients :
Water, Butylene Glycol, Dipropylene Glycol, Glycerin, Niacinamide, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Extract, Polyglyceryl-4 Caprate, Carica Papaya (Papaya) Fruit Extract, Lens Esculenta (Lentil) Seed Extract, Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Extract, Nelumbo Nucifera Flower Extract, Swiftlet Nest Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Fructan, Allantoin, Adenosine, Hydroxyethyl Urea, Xylitol, Salicylic Acid, Lactobionic Acid, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, 1,2-Hexanediol, Pentylene Glycol, Caprylyl Glycol, Benzyl Glycol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Ethyl Hexanediol, Raspberry Ketone, Phenoxyethanol, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil.
Toner ini lebih terkenal dengan bahan yang dapat mengeksfoliasi tapi dengan Ph yang rendah yang pastinya bisa digunakan untuk pemilik kulit sensitif kayak aku. Mengandung Tea Tree yang terkenal akan keajaibannya dalam menyembuhkan jerawat dan walaupun bisa menyembuhkan jerawat, Tea Tree tidak membuat kulit kering melainkan malah bisa mengatasi problema kulit kering juga. Tea Tree juga bisa mengatasi inflamasi di kulit jadi tentunya cocok untuk yang memiliki kulit sensitif juga. Toner ini juga mengandung Niacinamide atau vitamin B3 yang sangat terkenal dalam mencerahkan kulit dan juga dapat berfungsi dalam mencegah penuaan kulit. Niacinamide juga bisa mengatasi inflamasi dan mengurangi noda bekas jerawat yang berarti ini dapat mcncerahkan kulit juga. Toner ini juga mengandung ekstrak pepaya yang berfungsi untuk mencerahkan kulit, melembabkan dan juga mencegah adanya tanda penuaan pada kulit wajah. Dan bahan terakhir yang menarik penglihatanku adalah Hamamelis virginiana atau Witch Hazel yang terkenal dalam dunia perawatan kulit yang sangat berfungsi untuk melembabkan kulit. Witch Hazel juga dapat mengecilkan pori-pori, menyembuhkan jerawat, anti-inflamasi dan juga anti-penuaan loh. Toner ini multifungsi sekali ya? 

This toner is more famous because of the ingredients that can exfoliate the skin but with a low pH that can certainly be used for sensitive skin owners like me. Containing a Tea Tree extract that is famous for its magic in curing acne and even though it can cure acne, Tea Tree does not make the skin dry but instead can overcome the problem of dry skin as well. Tea Tree can also overcome inflammation in the skin so it is certainly suitable for those who have sensitive skin too. This toner also contains Niacinamide or vitamin B3 which is very well known in lightening the skin and can also function in preventing skin aging. Niacinamide can also deal with inflammation and reduce acne scars which means it can brighten the skin too. This toner also contains papaya extract which serves to brighten the skin, moisturize and also prevent signs of aging on the skin. And the last ingredient that appeals to my eyesight is Hamamelis virginiana or Witch Hazel, which is well-known in the world of skin care which is very useful for moisturizing the skin. Witch Hazel can also shrink pores, cure acne, anti-inflammation and also anti-aging. This toner is very multifunction, right?

Lalu apa sih efek yang aku rasakan saat memakai toner ini? Tentunya aku merasa komedo sangat berkurang. Aku merasa kulitku terasa lebih lembut terutama pada bagian yang biasanya terdapat banyak komedo. Menurutku ini tidak terlalu berpengaruh pada jerawat karena aku lebih merasa jerawat lebih terkontrol karena adanya Fresh Herb serum yang sudah pernah aku ulas sebelumnya. Tapi karena toner ini mengandung banyak bahan yang bisa mencegah jerawat juga, aku rasa toner ini sedikit berpengaruh juga untuk mencegah jerawat. Wanginya semacam obat karena wanginya dari minyak peppermint. Toner ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk yang kulitnya sensitif seperti aku dan yang kulitnya mempunyai pori-pori besar karena terdapat kandungan Witch Hazel yang dapat mengecilkan pori-pori juga. Toner ini memiliki Ph yang rendah yang tentunya dapat digunakan setiap hari.

Then, what effect do I feel when using this toner? Of course I feel blackheads are greatly reduced. I feel my skin feel softer especially on the part where there are usually lots of blackheads. I don't think this has too much effect on pimples because I feel my pimples more controlled because of the Fresh Herb serum that I've already reviewed before. But because this toner contains a lot of ingredients that can prevent acne as well, I think this toner has a little effect to prevent acne. It smells like a medicine because of the scent of peppermint oil. This toner is very suitable for those whose skin is sensitive like me and whose skin has large pores because there is a Witch Hazel content that can shrink pores as well. This toner has a low Ph which can be used every day.

(+) Pros :
- Mengurangi komedo dan menghaluskan kulit.
Reducing blackheads and smoothen the skin.
- Mengandung Ph rendah yang dapat digunakan setiap hari.
Containing low Ph that can be used every day.
- Mencegah adanya jerawat karena adanya kandungan Tea Tree dan Witch Hazel.
Preventing an acne because of Tea Tree and also Witch Hazel.
- Dapat mengecilkan pori-pori.
Can shrink the pores.
- Dapat mencerahkan kulit dan mengurangi bekas jerawat.
Can brighten the skin and reducing an acne scars.

(-) Cons :
I don't think this toner have any mistakes or I don't find the reason for not liking this toner.

Price / Harga :
IDR 160.000 - IDR 250.000 (tergantung dimana kamu membelinya. Karena toner ini produk baru, jadi belum terdapat toko resminya di Indonesia)
IDR 160.000 - IDR 250.000 | USD 41.60 ((depending on where you bought it. Because this toner is a new product, so there is no official store in Indonesia)

Where you can buy / Dimana kamu bisa membelinya : | | | Instagram

(All information product and also the function of the ingredients, I'm quoted from | | |

I hope you enjoying my newest review about this toner.
I hope it will help you to discover a new toner, especially who's having a sensitive skin and also large pores,
You can ask me more about this toner in the comment box down below,
Let's be happy everywhere, see you next time.

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

[REVIEW] La Tulipe Liptint #Peach Cake

Hai guys ketemu lagi sama aku. Hari ini aku lagi mood untuk bikin review tentang makeup lokal yang gemes banget kemasannya dan juga agak viral karenanya. Karena kemasannya sangat mirip sama liptint-nya Etude House. Tapi karena aku lagi suka beli makeup lokal, maka aku cobain dulu yang ini. Dan ternyata nggak terlalu mengecewakan loh guys. Pilihan warnanya pun terbatas, cuma 3 warna aja dan kali ini aku pakai yang warna peach-nya karena kemarin waktu aku beli sisa ini aja di toko. Sejujurnya ingin beli yang warna pink tapi yang peach juga bagus kok guys. Penasaran nggak sih sama ulasannya? Mari kita mulai!

Hi guys, met me again XD. Today I wanna making a review about local brand makeup who's that really cute with the packaging and also a little viral because of it. Because the packaging is really same with liptint by Etude House. But because I like to try local brand, so I'll try this first. And it turns out not too dissapointing. Their color choices is limited, just only 3 colors and in this moment I'm using the peach color because yesterday only peach color that available in the store. Honestly I wanna buy the pink one but the peach color is good too. Are you curious with the review? Let's get started!

 Their Claims :
Water gel Lip Tint yang mudah di aplikasikan, terasa ringan di bibir, tahan lama, dan memberikan hasil akhir yang mengkilap. Mengandung Glycerin untuk menjaga kelembaban bibir.
Water gel Liptint that is easy to apply, feels light on the lips, long lasting color and gives a shiny finish. Contains Glycerin to mantain moisture of the lips.

Direction for Use :
Apply on the lips with the applicator and blend to the entire lips area as needed and leave it until completely dried.  

Sejujurnya, aku lebih suka sama liptint ini dibanding liptint-nya Wardah. Apalagi 2 liptint ini termasuk keluaran terbaru dari kedua brand itu bukan? Nah.. aku juga udah beli yang punya Wardah dan jujur banget aku lebih suka yang ini. Liptint ini dibilang kalau water-based tapi entah kenapa aku lebih merasa liptint lebih ke lip cream dibanding liptint yang water-based. Warnanya lebih pigmented dan juga lebih creamy daripada dibilang cair. Meskipun kemasannya cukup viral karena kemiripannya dengan Etude House tapi oke aja sih soalnya kualitasnya cukup bagus. Warnanya mengoksidasi sih jadi walaupun kelihatannya warna bold orange tapi ternyata setelah di aplikasikan jadi warna peach pinkish gitu. Warnanya cocok untuk yang mau pakai lipstick jenis MLBB gitu atau My Lips But Better. Apalagi yang kulitnya fair atau porcelain ini cocok banget. Kulitku termasuk di medium to fair dan cocok aja sih soalnya ada beberapa warna peach orange gitu di aku jadi kelihatan pucat tapi warna yang ini malah cocok, lebih kelihatan fresh. Tekstur liptint ini mengingatkanku pada lip cream-nya LT Pro dan kebetulan 2 brand ini masih 1 perusahaan XD. Kalau dibilang bikin bibir kering sih ya sama aja sih karena kalau aku nggak pakai lip balm ya pasti kering tapi karena aku punya masalah di bibir kering, jadi oke aja sih. Cukup awet loh dan ilangnya dikit banget waktu dipakai makan.

Honestly, I prefer this lip tint compared to Wardah's liptint. Moreover, these 2 lip tints include the latest output from that both brands, right? Also I've already buy the Wardah's lip tint and to be honest I really like this one than Wardah's lip tint. This Lip tint is said to be water-based, but for some reason I feel this more the same with lip cream than water-based lip tint. The color is more pigmented and also more creamy than watery. Although the packaging is enough viral because it's the same with Etude House but it's okay because the quality is also good. The color is oxidizing so although it's looks like bold orange but it turns out after applied to be a peach pinkish color. The color is suitable for who's wanna using a lipstick MLBB's type or My Lips But Better. Moreover for everyone who's having fair or porcelain skin, it's really suitable for you. My skin is included in medium to fair and it's really suitable for me because some of peach orange color in my skin makes me looks pale but this color is really suitable for me, looks more fresh. This liptint texture makes me remembering the LT Pro's Lip Cream and unfortunately the both brands is still in the one company. If you say it makes lips dry, it's just the same because if I don't use lip balm it will be makes dry but because I have dry lips then it's okay. It's enough long lasting and it's a little disappeared when I'm eating.

(+) Pros 
- Warnanya natural, jenis warna MLBB / My Lips But Better.
The color is natural, colors type MLBB / My Lips But Better. 
- Tahan lama, hilang sedikit saat dipakai makan.
Long lasting, a little disappeared when I'm eating. 
- Murah dan kemasannya lucu
Cheap and the packaging is so cute. 

(-) Cons 
Sedikit bikin bibir kering tapi bisa diakalin dengan memakai lipbalm dulu.
A little makes the lips dry but you can using a lip balm first. 

Price / Harga:
IDR 40.000 or something. When I buy this, I get a discount 10% so it becomes IDR 33.000.
at Matahari Department Store, Online Shop and also local cosmetic store. I buy in the local cosmetic store.  

I hope you enjoying my newest review about this viral liptint.
I hope it will help you to discover a new local lipstick,
You can ask me more about this liptint in the comment box down below,
Let's be happy everywhere, see you next time.

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018

[REVIEW] Laneige White Dew Tone Up Cream

Hai guys, sudah lama sekali ya tidak menulis ulasan produk. Sebenarnya aku ingin membuat konten rutinitas perawatan kulit tapi karena libur rasanya sangat malas sekali untuk menulis panjang lebar. Dan sekarang, aku ingin menulis ulasan tentang pelembab favoritku yang sudah aku pakai selama kurang lebih 4 bulan ini. Pelembab ini memiliki efek yang luar biasa di kulitku. Mau tahu ulasannya? Mari kita mulai!

Hi guys, it's long time no write a review of product, right? Honestly I wanna making a content about my skincare routine, because I'm free now from college, I feel so lazy to write a long review. And now, I wanna write a review about this favorite moisturizer that I used for almost 4 months. This moisturizer having a big impact on my skin. Want to know the review? Let's get started!
They Claims :
Moisture Whitening “White Dew” Line contains Saururus chinensis Extract, a patented whitening ingredient
1. Strong Whitening
The synergy of patented Saururus chinensis Extract and new whitening technology improves dark spots and uneven skin tone
2. Moisture Whitening with Phyto Sugar Water
The glycocomponent of Phyto Sugar Water makes skin moisturized and bright
3. Mild Whitening
Gently whitens skin with plant-derived extract

Moisture Whitening Tone-up Cream in moisturizing texture instantly brightens yellowish, dull skin tone upon application
1. Certified whitening function of Saururus chinensis Extract
2. Improved adherence with the built-in “Tone-up puff”!
The dedicated puff provides closely adhering cover!
3. Instantly brightens skin without darkening
Natural instant tone-up with non-pigmented, white emulsion type
4. Hyper allergy tests completed
Low-irritant Whitening.

Ingredients : 
(Information Product quoted from

Pelembab ini instan banget dalam mencerahkan kulit, berasa jadi lotion abal-abal gitu XD. Tapi mencerahkan yang masih dalam batas natural, berasa kayak kulit udah cerah dari sananya. Menurutku nggak terlalu melembabkan sih karena konsentrasi efeknya lebih banyak di mencerahkan dibandingkan melembabkan. Tapi kalau punya kulit kombinasi kayak aku, sudah cukup kok. Pelembab ini cocoknya di pakai di pagi hari karena lebih bagus dipakai sebelum makeup. Pelembab ini layaknya primer yang mencerahkan dan lebih cocok digunakan untuk keseharian. Wanginya enak dan kalau digunakan rutin, kulit akan menjadi lebih cerah juga secara alami karena ada kandungan Saururus chinensis-nya yang menurut hasil studi dapat mencerahkan kulit, mencegah timbulnya kerutan dan juga anti-inflamasi. Pelembab ini juga mengandung Yeast Extract yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, menenangkan kulit / anti-inflamasi dan juga melembabkan. Dan meskipun pelembab ini mengandung alkohol, kulit yang punya masalah sensitif kayak aku masih bisa pakai kok dan tidak menimbulkan reaksi alergi sama sekali. Namun hal itu tergantung pada setiap kulit masing-masing orang karena batas alergi masing-orang berbeda. Terkadang, ada satu produk yang tidak menimbulkan alergi di kulit alergi lainnya, ternyata di kulitku yang alergi juga terjadi reaksi alergi. Jadi sebaiknya sebelum menggunakan sebuah produk baru, belilah ukuran sampelnya saja, terutama untuk kulit alergi karena sayang saja kalau tidak cocok padahal sudah membeli ukuran besarnya yang cukup mahal untuk kantong mahasiswa. 

This moisturizer instantly can brighten the skin, it's likely a fake lotion XD. But it's still natural not too much, it's like we have a brighten skin from beginning. In my opinion, it's not too moisturize because this moisturizer have a more concern on brighten than moisturize. But if you have a combination skin like me, it's enough moisturizing. This moisturizer more suitable to be used on the morning because it's more good used before using a makeup. This moisturizer is like a primer that brighten the skin and more suitable to used for daily. The smells is so good and if you use it routinely, the skin will be brighter naturally because there's an ingredients named Saururus chinensis that used for whitening, anti-wrinkles and also anti-inflammation. This moisturizer also contains Yeast Extract that used for antioxidants, soothing or anti-inflammation and also moisturizing. And although this moisturizer contains alcohol, the skin that having a skin concern sensitive, still be okay to using this and there's not allergy reaction at all. But it's depends on each skin because the limit of allergy on each people is different. Sometimes there's one product that not cause an allergy reaction to other sensitive skin but on me cause an allergy reaction that having a sensitive skin too. So if you wanna using a new product, buy the sample size especially for the sensitive skin. It's can wasting your money if your skin getting breakout and you've already bought the full size. It's a little pricey for college student. 

(+) Pros | Kelebihan :
 - Mencerahkan secara instan saat pertama kali pemakaian. Dengan penggunaan rutin akan mencerahkan kulit secara alami juga.
Brighten the skin instantly at the first time applied. Brighten the skin naturally with using it routinely.
- Memudarkan bekas jerawat dan mengurangi kemerahan pada kulit sensitif.
Reducing acne scars and also redness on senstive skin.
- Menghaluskan kulit dan membuat kulit bercahaya.
Smoothing the skin and also glowing.
- Hemat karena penggunaan sedikit saja sudah cukup.
Save because just using a little is enough.
- Wanginya enak dan kemasannya yang begitu cantik.
The smells is so good and the packaging is so beautiful.

 (-) Cons | Kekurangan :
- Harganya sedikit mahal dengan isi hanya 50ml, tapi cukup lama sih karena pakainya hanya sedikit.
The price is a little pricey with only 50ml of contents, but it's quite a long time because it's only a little for daily use.

Price / Harga :
IDR 560.000 / USD 30.69 at Sogo, Shopee, Lazada,

I hope you enjoying my newest review about this favorite moisturizer.
I hope it will help you to adding a new preferences to your wish list,
You can ask me more about this moisturizer in the comment box down below,
Let's be happy everywhere, see you next time.

Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

[REVIEW] Natural Pacific Fresh Herb Origin Serum

Hai gaes akhirnya aku kembali lagi untuk kasih kalian ulasan tentang produk favoritku akhir-akhir ini. Merek yang cukup terkenal dengan produk pencerahnya. Kalian sudah baca ulasanku tentang tonernya bukan? Nah kali ini aku akan bahas serumnya. Sama-sama super buat kulit terutama kalo wajah kalian cukup bermasalah, jerawat, sebum maupun teksturnya yang rada 'gradakan' atau nggak rata. Penasaran nggak sih? Aku jadi nggak sabar buat menyebarkan racun produk baru lagi nih. Mari kita mulai!

Hi guys, finally I'm coming back to give y'all about my recently favorite product. Quite famous brand with their whitening products. Do you guys ever read my review about their toner, right? Nah, in this moment I'll tell you guys about their serum. It's the same with their toner, superb good for your skin especially if your skin is quite enough problematic, acne, oily, or uneven texture. Are you curious 'bout it? I can't wait anymore to spreading a poison about a new product. Let's get started!

Their Claims :
This beauty must-have is famously known as Jun Ji-Hyun's serum after it was revealed to be her go to skincare product. It is now fondly called the "damn serum" due to the tingling sensation it creates when applied onto damaged, oxidized skin - the greater the damage, the more it tingles. Over time, this diminishes as your skin heals. This anti-oxidant enriched serum enhances elasticity, prevents premature wrinkling, balances oil and moisture and tones. It also helps relax the skin by using Aloe Vera in place of purified water and vegetable components instead of synthetic preservatives.
Recommended for those with the following concerns:
1. Those with enlarged, distended pores
2. Those who suffer from fine wrinkle
3. Those with numerous skin concerns
4. Those whose skin dries out quickly
5. Those with rough skin
Suggested Use :
1. Every morning and evening, after cleansing, apply after the application of toner. Be sure to shake before use;
2. Use the spoid to apply the serum to your skin. Spread and absorb.
3. Apply a cream to dry regions.

Dan, informasi terbarunya adalah Natural Pacific sudah berganti nama menjadi Nacific dan tentunya kemasannya sedikit berbeda namun dengan kandungan yang sama tapi ada sedikit tambahannya. Serum ini lebih cocok untuk dipakai pada malam hari karena kandungannya yang cukup berminyak dan sedikit mengiritasi karena serum ini tipikal serum yang mengandung vitamin C tinggi sehingga dapat menimbulkan iritasi apabila dipakai di siang hari apalagi kalo kalian tidak pakai tabir surya. Jujur, aku tidak terlalu suka dengan baunya, terlalu kuat dari aroma vitamin C-nya, mungkin dari kandungan jeruk nipisnya. Tapi karena cukup bagus di kulitku, maka aku tahan walaupun cukup mengganggu pada awal pemakaian.

And, the newest information if Natural Pacific has been renamed as Nacific and surely any slightest differences on their packaging but with the same ingredients but there's some new ingredients on it. This serum is more suitable to using in the night because their ingredients is quite enough oily and a little irritating, because this serum is typically that contains high vitamin C, so it can cause some irritations if you apply on the mid-day especially if you're not using a sunscreen. Honestly, I don't like their scents, too strong from a vitamin C, maybe from lime. But because it was too good for my skin, then I'll keep using it although in the first it's quite enough disturbing.

Ingredients :
Aloe barbadensis leaf water, aspalathus linearis extract, glycerin, healianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil, hydrogenated palm oil, simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) seed oil, punica granatum fruit extract, ficus carica (fig) fruit extract, morus alba fruit extact, ginko biloba nut extract, hippophae rhamnoides oil, argania spinosa kernel oil, camellia sinensis leaf extract, vitis vinifera (grape) fruit extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract, pyrus malus (apple) fruit extract, citrus limon (lemon) fruit extract, citrus aurantifolia (lime) fruit extract, citric acid, aminobutyric acid, zanthoxylum piperitum fruit extract, pulsatilla koreana extract, usnea barbata (lichen) extract, sodium chloride, tocopheryl acetate, adenosine.

Jadi, apakah produk itu bekerja dengan baik di kulitku? Dan aku akan jawab iya. Meskipun kulit masih tetep aja sedikit berminyak di area T dan juga kering di bagian pipi. Tapi aku sangat bersyukur bertemu serum ini. Serum ini terkenal dengan semakin perih terasa di kulit, berarti itu menunjukkan bahwa kulitmu rusak. Awalnya memang begitu tapi lama kelamaan sudah nggak, memang agak perih sedikit di bagian kulitku yang berjerawat. Dalam rentang waktu 1-2 bulan lumayan memudarkan bekas jerawatku, nggak langsung menghilang drastis hanya saja berkurang cukup banyak. Tentunya juga mencerahkan kulitku dan sedikit mengecilkan pori-poriku. Intinya sih kulitku jadi lebih cerah, pori-porinya sedikit mengecil dan jerawat jadi cepat sembuhnya.

So, what's this product works well in my skin? And I'll say yes. Although my skin is still a bit oily in T zone and dry in my cheeks. But I'm very grateful to meet this serum. This serum is so famous with if your skin feel sting, that means your skin is damaged. First time I feel that way too but slowly it's gone and I don't feel that again, I think it's still feel sting on my acne only. In 1-2 months, my acne scars slowly disappear, not drastically but it's changed a lot. Surely, my skin more bright than before and a little bit tighten my pores. As the conclusion, my skin getting brighter, tighten my pores and if I have an acne it will be more fast to got better and deflated. 

(+) Pros :
- Mencerahkan kulitku dan bikin kulitku bercahaya.
Brighten my skin and makes my skin glowing. 
- Mengecilkan pori-poriku.
Tighten my pores.
 - Jerawat bisa lebih cepat kering dan kempes.
Acne can more fast to dry and deflated.

(-) Cons :
Aku tidak suka baunya, sangat menyengat :(
I don't like their scent, so sting :(

Harga / Price :
170.000 - 300.000 IDR / 18.60 - 29.00 USD.
Karena ini termasuk produk baru, tentunya belum ada tokonya di Indonesia. Bisa beli di toko online atau kalian bisa beli langsung dari Korea via yesstyle, iherb atau bisa juga stylekorean.
Because it's a new brand, surely they don't have a store in Indonesia. You can buy in online shop or you can buy directly from Korea via yesstyle, iherb or also can stylekorean.

(Product information quoted from /

I hope you enjoying my newest review about this fame serum.
I hope it will help you a lot if you confuse to buy it or not.
You can ask me more via comment.
Let's be happy everywhere, see you later soon.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

[REVIEW] COSRX Aloe Soothing Sun Cream SPF 50 PA+++

Halo semuanya aku kembali lagi dengan ulasan produk baru yeayy. Kali ini adalah produk tabir surya yang sepertinya sedang terkenal akhir-akhir ini. Dengan merek yang cukup terkenal dengan produk perawatan kulitnya, terutama produknya yaitu toner pengelupasan dengan kandungan BHA yang dapat mengangkat komedo. Nah kali ini aku akan bahas tentang produk tabir suryanya. Pada penasaran nggak sih? Mari kita mulai!

Hi guys, I'm back again with new product review yeayy!! this time is a sunscreen product that quite famous recently. With brand that quite famous with their skincare product, especially with their exfoliating toner that contains BHA where can reducing blackheads. But for this time I'll tell you about their sunscreen product. Are you curious about it? Let's get started!

Their Claims :
Formulated with 5,500ppm of Aloe Leaf Extract, this sun cream protects skin against UVA & UVB rays while hydrating skin. This Aloe Soothing Sun Cream not only improves the skin’s moisture barrier, but also protect skin against UVA and UVB rays. This sun cream has light-weight texture, which absorbs quickly and leaves skin feeling intensely hydrated. It’s suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin. 

Aku suka dengan tekstur dari tabir surya ini. Kebanyakan dari tabir surya adalah lengket dan baunya yang bikin eneg. Kedua hal itu yang paling sering aku temui dan membuatku jadi malas untuk pakai tabir surya. Hingga akhirnya aku menemukan tabir surya dari The Face Shop namun sudah tidak lagi di produksi. Aku sempat bingung mau pakai tabir surya merek apa, namun aku tergiur dengan tabir surya ini karena cukup banyak vlogger maupun blogger yang menggunakannya. Apalagi ada kandungan lidah buaya, jadi aku berpikir bahwa ini akan wangi seperti lidah buaya yang kebanyakan produknya di pasaran cukup wangi dan dingin. Jadi akupun yakin untuk mencobanya. Dan ternyata teksturnya cukup ringan dan tidak lengket sama sekali. Wanginya tentu enak banget dan menyerap ke kulit dengan cepat. 
I like with the texture from this sunscreen. Mostly of a sunscreen is sticky and having a bad scents, make me feel nausea. Both of these are most often found in the market and it's make me lazy to using a sunscreen. Until finally I found a sunscreen from The Face Shop but now that sunscreen is already discontinued. I got confused to using a sunscreen with what brand, but I tempted by this sunscreen because this sunscreen quite famous, had already worn by a vlogger and also blogger. Moreover this sunscreen contains aloe vera, so I think, this is will smell like aloe vera, that known if aloe vera smell so good and also having a cooling sensation. So, I'm sure to try it. And it turns out, they have a light texture and not sticky at all. It smells so good and absorb quickly to the skin. 

How To Use :
Apply a generous amount on over face 30 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply throughout the day as needed, especially during prolonged sun exposure.
Ingredients :
Water, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Cyclopentasiloxane, Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine, Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid, Dicaprylyl Carbonate, Isoamyl P-Methoxycinnamate, Potassium Cetyl Phosphate, Alcohol,Dimethicone, Glyceryl Stearate, Butylene Glycol, Titanium Dioxide, C14-22 Alcohols, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Aloe Arborescens Leaf Extract, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Peg-100 Stearate, Silica, C12-20 Alkyl Glucoside, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Aluminum Hydroxide, Stearic Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Carbomer, Xanthan Gum, Triethanolamine, Sodium Hydroxide, Fragrance, Phenoxyethanol, Disodium Edta

Caution :
For external use only. Do not use on damaged or broken skin. Stop using and ask a doctor if rash occurs. When using this product, keep out of eyes. Rinse with water to remove. Keep out of reach of children. If product is swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.
(+) Pros :
- Memiliki wangi yang enak, tidak eneg.
Smells so good, not makes me nausea.
- Teksturnya ringan dan cepat menyerap ke dalam kulit.
Having a light texture and absorb quickly to the skin. 
- Dapat melembabkan kulit dan memberikan efek dingin pada kulit.
Can moisturize your skin and give a cooling effect to your skin.
- Bisa buat dasar makeup, bikin makeup jadi lebih glowing.
Can be a base makeup, make your makeup more glowing.
- SPFnya sudah 50 dengan PA+++, bisa untuk memerangi UVA dan UVB.
With SPF 50 and also with PA+++, can against UVA and UVB.

(-) Cons :
Sejauh ini belum ada efek negatif yang ditimbulkan di kulitku.
So far there's not a negative effect to my skin. 
Price :
Sekitar 130.000 - 200.000 IDR / 9.10 - 14.00 USD dapat dibeli di online shop karena belum ada counter resmi COSRX di Indonesia. Kalau kalian ke Korea bisa dibeli di counternya langsung atau di Olive Young.
Around 130.000 - 200.000 IDR / 9.10 - 14.00 USD can be purchased at online shop because there's not COSRX official counter in Indonesia. If you're going to Korea, you can buy in their counter or in Olive Young. 

(Product information quoted from 
I hope you enjoying my newest review about this product,
I will updated again with my selfie using this product,
See you soon. 

Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

[REVIEW] Natural Pacific Real Rose Floral Toner

Hai, akhirnya aku kembali untuk blog ini. Sejujurnya aku pengin banget bikin favorit bulanan namun karena banyaknya hal yang harus aku lakukan jadi lama sekali jadinya. Jadi, aku hari ini akan bikin ulasan tentang toner baruku dan akan masuk ke dalam daftar penyelamat kulitku setelah Sulwhasoo. Dan akhir-akhir ini toner ini cukup populer dengan video iklannya yang mengklaim bahwa bisa mencerahkan kulit dalam 2 minggu. Wanita mana yang tidak tergoda olehnya? Aku merupakan salah satunya XD. Aku cukup ragu untuk mencoba toner baru karena mengingat kulitku cukup sensitif sehingga tidak bisa sembarangan pakai produk. Jadi awalnya akupun mencoba dalam ukuran kecil, setelah aku pikir cocok akhirnya membeli ukuran normalnya. Sebenarnya, benarkah produk ini dapat mencerahkan kulit dalam 2 minggu? Mari kita mulai ulasannya.

Hi, finally I'm coming back for this blog. Honestly I really want to making a monthly favorites, but because of many things that I have to do, it takes too long time to do it. So, today I'll make a review about my new toner and it will enter to my skin savior after Sulwhasoo. And currently this toner is really famous with their video ads that claiming if can brighten skin in just 2 weeks. Which women is not tempted? I'm one of it XD. I'm quite hesitant to try a new toner because of my sensitive skin, so it's makes me not carelessly to try a new product. So firstly I choose to try in mini size and after I feel it's good for me, finally I buy their normal size. Honestly, is this really can brighten skin in just 2 weeks? So, let's get started!

 Their Claims :
Made of 92% pure red rose water, this toner throughly moisturises the skin inside and out. Through this rose petal formula, you can restore the vitality of your skin lost over the years. Toner that helps you to have a clear skin with real rose petals which were selected by years of experience and know-how real rose toner.

Sebelum aku pakai toner ini, aku pakai toner dari Son & Park dan aku agak kecewa karena tidak ada hasil yang signifikan yang aku dapat selain sebagai exfoliating toner. Aku suka banget akhirnya dengan toner ini karena selain bisa melembabkan, bisa untuk mencerahkan juga seperti video iklannya mereka. Sayangnya mencerahkannya tidak bisa langsung secerah di video iklannya, perlahan-lahan dan cukup membutuhkan waktu. Untuk waktu pastinya sih sekitar 1-2 minggu ya di aku hanya saja memang tidak terlalu signifikan namun cukup terlihat lebih cerah saja. Hasil yang aku dapatkan adalah kulit lebih lembab dan lebih kenyal. Jangan harapkan tentang jerawat pada toner ini. Iya memang dia tidak menyebabkan jerawat tapi tidak juga menyembuhkan jerawat. Aku lebih merasa toner ini lebih pada merawat kulit agar terhindar dari jerawat. Untuk bekas jerawat juga demikian, sepertinya butuh waktu yang lebih lama lagi.

Before I'm using this toner, I'm using a toner from Son & Park and I feel a little dissapointed because there's not a significant result that I get except as an exfoliating toner. I really like this toner because it can moisturize my skin, can brighten my skin like their video ads, slowly and need a more time. For the exact time is around 1-2 weeks, maybe in me there's no significant result but quite brighten my skin. The result that I got is my skin getting moisturize and more elastic. Don't hope for acne treatment on this toner. That is true if this toner don't making a new acne but not cure an acne. I feel this toner more likely to caring your skin to getting off from acne. For dark spots too, it's more likely need more time again.

Active Ingredients
Calendula Officinalis Flower Water, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Betaine, 1,2-hexanediol, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Calendula Officinalis Extract, Hedera Helix (Ivy) Leaf/Stem Extract, Hedera Helix (Ivy) Extract, Arctium Lappa Root Extract, Althaea Officinalis Root Extract, Malt Extract, Opuntia Ficus-Indica Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract, Paeonia Albiflora Flower Extract, Convallaria Majalis Bulb/Root Extract, Magnolia Liliflora Flower Extract, Lilium Candidum Flower Extract, Ipomoea Purpurea Extract, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Lactococcus/Leuconostoc//Lactobacillus/Zygosaccharomyces/Milk Ferment, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Peel Oil, Maltodextrin, Benzophenone-5, Sodium Metabisulfite, Arginine, Alcohol, Xanthan Gum, Water, Tocopheryl Acetate, Protease, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Allantoin, Disodium EDTA
How to cleverly use moist and Rose Petal Water :
1. Soak the cotton with Rose Petal Water and wipe your skin.
Tuangkan pada kapas dan usapkan pada kulitmu.
2. Take some Rosa Centifolia Flower Water in an empty bottle and spread it on the skin whenever you feel dry!
Ambil dan tuangkan beberapa mili toner ke dalam botol kosong dan semprotkan ke kulit setiap kali kamu merasa kulitmu kering.
3. Soak the cotton with Rosa Centifolia Flower Water fully and place it on skin for 5 minutes. 
Tuangkan toner pada kapas sampai basah seluruhnya dan tempelkan pada kulit selama 5 menit.

(+) Keuntungan [Pros] :
- Mencerahkan kulit, perlahan dan membutuhkan lebih waktu lagi.
Brighten skin, slowly and need more time again.
- Melembabkan kulit, kenyal dan bercahaya.
Moisturize skin, making more elastic and glowing.
- Memiliki wangi yang menyegarkan dari bunga mawar.
Having a fresh scent from a rose.

(-) Kerugian (Cons) :
Untuk saat ini aku belum menemukan adanya efek buruk yang ditimbulkan dari toner ini.
For now, I don't found a bad effect from this toner.

(Informasi dikutip dari )

I hope you enjoying my honest review about this toner,
I will update it again if I have a new significant result,
See you soon.

Jumat, 12 Januari 2018

[REVIEW] Pond's BB Magic Powder

Jadi ceritanya beberapa hari yang lalu aku adain polling di snapgram kira-kira ada yang mau nggak sih untuk aku bikin review bedak yang lagi terkenal ini, dan hasilnya kebanyakan sih mau jadi yasudahlah ya, aku bikinin review buat kalian XD. Sebenernya bedak ini udah aku beli dari desember tahun lalu cuma karena memang aku bukanlah pecinta bedak tabur, jadi baru akhir-akhir ini aja aku mulai pakai. Hmm.. langsung mulai aja ya!

So, a few days ago I held a poll in snapgram, who's wanna me making a review about this face powder that's recently so famous, and the result mostly that's wanna me making a review 'bout this, so this is it, I'm making a review for you guys.  Honestly I've already bought this face powder on last december but because I'm not a face powder lover, so I just started using this recently. Hmm.. let's get started!

Pond's BB Magic Powder Claims :
- Fine texture of BB powder helps to conceal acne scar and blemish on the face.
- Light texture powder.
- Absorbs excess oil on your face.
- Double UV Protection protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays from the sunlight.
( copied from

Aku tidak merasakan efek apapun dari pemakaian bedak tabur ini sih sebenarnya. Lebih ke finishing powder aja tanpa efek lainnya. Karena memang pada dasarnya bedak tabur semacam ini lebih untuk finishing agar makeup jadi lebih awet dan juga mengurangi sebum juga. Wanginya enak, semacam floral gitu. Untuk pemakaian sehari-hari aku cuma pakai dikit saja, trus dipake menggunakan face brush maupun blush brush juga bisa. Dengan harga murah, ini patut dicoba sih. Tapi jangan mengharapkan bakal dapat efek di wajah yang gimana-gimana sih karena di kulitku, bedak ini hanya berguna untuk setting powder aja, warnanya juga cenderung transparan bagiku.

I don't feel an effect from using this face powder, for honestly. It's more likely to finishing powder without have any other effect. Because basically, face powder is more likely for finishing powder for making your makeup long lasting and also reducing sebum on your face. It smells good, kind of floral. For daily use, I just using it slightly, then applying it with face brush or you can use blush brush. With affordable price, it's worth it to try. But don't ever hope to getting an special effect from this face powder, because in my skin, this face powder just useful to setting powder, and also this powder is more likely have a transparent color for me.

Rating : 4 / 5
Price : 30 Baht / IDR 50.000 (depending on where you buy it)

I hope you enjoying my short review, actually I just say what I feel
I hope I can writing a more review next time
See you again.